Sunday, November 22, 2015

Moving Day, plus friends

Last week Kate moved out of an apartment and into a house. It is the house of a friend of hers, and she is taking care of it for a while.

Peep was worried about the move - he sat in a basket because he did not want to be left behind.

He was right - everything was in boxes, and things were all over the floor.

The big loom in the living room was taken apart (that was really interesting) (but a little scary) and then people showed up with a truck and started carrying things away. One of them was someone Peep knew - it was Lee! He used to live at Lee's house!

Lee took Peep down to the truck in the basket, along with a lot of other things. All the big things had to go in the truck. Lee showed Peep the back of the truck:

There were parts of the loom. It was light but awkward.

"Like my conversation!" said Brian.
Brian is a very odd dude, but also very kind.

Lee took pictures of all the people helping Kate move.

Al thinks hard.
Brian is unexpected.
Bill is gruff and grumbly sometimes but he loves us.

Bill got to carry the wicker lady.

Peep explored the back of the truck some more. There were big gray blankets that were hiding things. He thought they might have cookies under the blankets, but it was just more furniture.

He found more parts of the loom,
and  almost got stuck!

So Lee called to him to come out of the back of the truck. Peep thought that would be OK - he had not found any cookies, and it was cold. The truck was really big for a very small dinosaur.

Lee put Peep in the truck cab to keep warm. He looked all around. Then he and his friend waited to see what would happen next. 

After lunch, all the people got in cars and trucks. Lee got in the cab of the moving truck, and they drove to Kate's new place. Lee had to wait in the driveway while other people got things out of their vehicles.

Then those people took all the things OUT of the truck, and put them in the new house. It took a long time. Peep explored the new house a little bit.

He found the familiar couch. And the big red ball. Kate said his toys were in his box. When Kate's bed was set up, Peep lay down on her pillow and went to sleep. It had been a VERY LONG DAY.